of Auteur Cinema
Aurora Borealis

Cinema for the sake of Cinema!
Festival of Auteur Cinema. We are a platform for filmmakers from all over the world who share our principles - to make films in any conditions, to make films no matter what, to make films for the love of Cinema. We believe that Cinema, the force that makes the world a better place, is the film underground from which New Cinema grows.

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Release date
until December 13, 2023



Release date: until December 13, 2023

Outlands Aurora Borealis
Entry is free.
Films entered must be no longer than 240 minutes.

Films received after the closing date will not be eligible for selection.

There is no limit to the numbers of films you can submit but each entry must have its own entry form and still.

If a filmmaker submitting a film is under 18, an adult must sign the entry form.
The selection panel's decisions are final.
All films must have English subtitles.

Festival of Auteur Cinema Aurora Borealis reserves the right to use stills or clips of up to 30 seconds from submitted films for publicity purposes.

Ownership and copyright: By submitting the film, you acknowledge that you are sole author and owner of the film, or if you are not the sole author, you have secured all necessary and appropriate rights, written permissions and releases in connection with submitting the film. In particular, all music and other rights must be cleared for nonexclusive educational, online, broadcast and theatrical distribution.
Рецензии прессы
Outlands Aurora Borealis - green - hope for new auteur cinema
Outlands Aurora Borealis - purple - for contribution to new auteur cinema

Outlands Aurora Borealis - gold    - for courage in new auteur cinema

Outlands Aurora Borealis - granite - for a new vision of the depths of man

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